Support a child to live their life to the fullest.
For just $180, you can sponsor a child.
There are a couple of ways you can support a child through The Authentic Child.
- You can nominate a child that you know, or
- We can offer a child from disadvantaged circumstances on our “Waiting For Sponsor List”, a full term of weekly workshops.
How It Works:
This child will be registered with the Authentic child program for 1 term for this price OR for a year (4 terms for $720 – 4 terms paid up front will also allow 2 FREE holiday workshops valued at $160)
Sponsorship for a child will allow that child to have free access to a child and family counsellor while in the weekly workshops; an opportunity that so many children don’t get to utilise in those crucial developmental years.
Our program teaches children emotional health through a variety of mediums, enabling our kids to connect to their authentic selves, speak confidently, embrace their individuality and learn to navigate life. We do this through drama, dancing, practical life skills lessons and open conversations. We also cover debating, public speaking, and how to deal with bullies. All of which are major causes of stress amongst our young ones.
So many children deal with a huge amount of stress and adversity. By sponsoring a child into The Authentic Child workshops, you will be supporting them learn to be the best version of themselves. Knowing that you, or your company are supportive of these children who need a helping hand, is in itself, uplifting.
To say thank you for your support of our program and the children who attend, we would also like to give you a shout out on our website and Facebook pages as sponsors if that’s something you’d be happy for us to do.
If you, or your business, are interested in sponsoring a child/children please email us today to start the process of sponsoring a child.
Or phone our principal Nicole Neave on 0431 454 537